My Story

Love For The Human Journey

My time on this planet now spans over fifty-five years. Going back as far as I can remember, everyone of those years had difficult times. Some of them I wish I could edit out of my memory, but all of them I accept as part of making me who I am today.

For some reason I have always paid attention to how things, people, and circumstances made me feel and what they made me think. Often, I would sense things that others around me didn’t. That made me even more insecure. It took years to come to a place where I trusted what was there and connected those observations in a way that began painting pictures that made sense of my reality and that of others.

Over time and through years of walking with people from a myriad of life circumstances and places, I have come to love the human journey. No matter how muddy, cloudy, foggy, stormy, mountainous, explosive, or treacherous, I will go there. It’s not because I love the pains and struggles of my life or those of others. I just know that there is much to be learned in those places. It’s real. It’s life. It’s real life.

As I watch people walk around in public space, I often wish I could stop and sit with some of them to hear their story. Sometimes it’s because they seem out of the ordinary. Most of the time, body language and facial expressions seem to speak from their being “I am in pain” or “I am lost and confused.”

I would love to walk with you if we can find a way. Reach out, and let's see what we can work out.

Read more of My Musings
Chuck Coward seated at desk writing in journal

Work & Studies

Dr. Chuck Coward has invested over 30 years in fostering human and community development, and whole-person health. His work has been from a variety of places and roles including as a pastor, non-profit executive director, community facilitator, businessman, consultant, university professor, and as The Struggle Coach.

Chuck is a graduate of University of South Carolina (BS in Biology), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity), and Portland Seminary (Doctor of Ministry). He holds Life Coach Certification through the Life Coach Institute.

In all of his work and study, Chuck’s heart is focused on helping people and communities in their journey through life’s events and seasons.


Chuck is the proud husband to Anita for over 30 years, dad to four, and granddaddy to six.

I Will Enter

What will they think if they know that I struggle?
That I’ve had real thoughts of ending the pain?
A history that I wish would grow silent?
Guilt and shame that just won’t fade away?

What if they see that I have the same weaknesses?
That I can’t always live the way that I teach?
Longings of my heart that I wish would grow louder?
Groanings in my soul that will emerge one day?

What can I do that will make the world better?
That will make the incessant pains of others disappear?
To make the impossible reality for the hopeless?
Goodness and kindness that will rule without sway?

I will enter their struggle and bear it all with them.
That is the life I choose on this day.
Fear will not keep me from taking this journey.
God has designed me to walk this way.

© Chuck Coward, 2021