The Clacker Effect

Clackers, also known as Knockers and Click-Clacks, were a toy created in 1968. This toy was made of two balls at the end of a string, similar to the bola weapon.  

The aim was speed and noise. Holding the string in the middle, we would start with a slow bounce, eventually shifting to a fast up and down motion causing the balls to knock together. It sounds easier than it was.

The originals were made of tempered glass and shattered rather quickly. In the early 1970’s, the ball design was changed to plastic to reduce shattering. Clackers were banned in 1985, although there are different designs now with the same effect. Noise. 

As human beings, we have a way of being clackers. People who find themselves on the extremes of an idea constantly swing at one another with words. Different players create the force that brings the swing, all predominately driven by media of some sort.

The clacker effects as people bounce off of one another are…



Dangerous - we can shatter, hurting ourselves and others

Onlookers keep their distance for safety

Increased distance leads to increased force

Confidence (whether valid or not) cultivates intensity

Crashing off of, never drawing to

Just plain noise


What if I…you…we…

Bring it in. Humbly choose to shorten the distance. The ideas and beliefs may remain far apart, but we as people don’t have to. Let’s take a walk together. Allow the emotions to dissipate into the movement of our bodies while we have a conversation.

Become a learner.None of us know what we don’t know. No matter where you are on the continuum of the issue, there is information you don’t have, a story you have not heard. Learn to listen. Learn to learn from those with whom you disagree.

Be the beginning. Don’t wait on the other person or persons to make the first move. It only takes oneto start the shift in attitude and atmosphere. Why not be that one?

Let’s end the clacking.

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